Smart Investment

Early Childhood Industry Holds GREAT Promise.

Smart Investment

Early Childhood Industry Holds GREAT Promise.

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An In-Demand Business

With almost 62% of families relying on dual-income parents working outside the home, the demand for high-quality childcare has reached unprecedented levels.


the need for quality childcare has never been greater

Families are spending

30% More

on early childhood education than college

Industry revenue to grow at


annually for the next five years


children under five are enrolled in weekly childcare


children have two working parents

more demand for



learning than other forms of childcare

Secure Your Future

the need for quality childcare
has never been greater

Investment that Shows

Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Childcare with a Focus on Early Childhood Education

90% Of Brain Development Occurs Before The Age Of Five.

Kids ‘R’ Kids’ exclusive Infant, Toddler Preschool and Pre-K curriculums all feature activities and exercises engineered to maximize brain development in the children we serve.

Foundation for Learning and Success is Crucial the First Eight Years.

Enrollment at Kids ‘R’ Kids is open to children aged 6 weeks through 12 years, meaning we can play an impactful role in building and reinforcing that solid foundation through our early childhood education curriculums, after school program, and even summer camp.

Early Education Builds Lifelong Cognitive, Physical, and Social-Emotional Skills in Children.

All our activities, from classroom time to playground recess to meals in our kid-sized cafeteria, are crafted to promote children’s cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development at Kids ‘R’ Kids.

Enduring Economic Impact of High School Graduation, Post-Secondary Education, and Asset Ownership.

Kids ‘R’ Kids sparks early learning passion, fostering success from kindergarten onward. Our Steam Ahead curriculum, centered on science, technology, engineering, art, and math, readies children for future industries, increasing the odds of high school and college graduation for a successful adulthood.

Early Education Fosters Healthy, Thriving Communities.

Kids ‘R’ Kids, beyond caring for and educating local children, serves as an economic driver and a community hub. We promote connections among parents and instill values of care and respect in children, fostering future contributors to society and the local community.